With hundreds of building industry and related businesses, thousands of consumers/buyers, and the broader public in the Gulf South Region in need of residential building education and charitable offerings; New Orleans Education League of the Construction Industry (NOEL) provides services and programs to help these targeted groups succeed.

In difficult market conditions we focus our attention on the latest market trends, developments, and alternatives to the traditional way business has been conducted. NOEL supports local industries and homeowners by assisting them achieve profitability and security in today’s ever-changing marketplace.

NOEL is positioned to become a cutting edge provider and primary source in our targeted areas for professional education and certifications, pursuit of government funding in disaster relief and preparedness, green building and energy efficiency programs, industry research and other initiatives in the following ways:

  • Provide a comprehensive offering of training and education, plus some curricula development and partnerships for the broader region’s building industry and related industries.
  • Offer significant outreach/education/management programs to consumers, broader public, media and government;
  • Offer service and access to industry participants for study and piloting purposes;
  • Pursue affordable housing and other grant programs and related consulting to become a not-for-profit (NFP) partner with contractors to enhance their ability to compete for housing grants in lieu of existing NFP’s or in partnership with others;
  • Work closely with the HBA of Greater New Orleans in identifying other program funding opportunities to pursue and determine how we can best serve our targeted populations;
  • Serve as a clearinghouse in the growing energy efficiency and green building fields working with NAHB, the NAHB Research Center, the HBA of Greater New Orleans and other professional entities to educate, disseminate information, manage related programs, market these programs and pursue related funding;
  • Explore expansion of current relationships to educate the trades on energy efficiency and match such training with job placement;
  • Establish charitable giving practices in conjunction with the HBA of Greater New Orleans